Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Hiatus is Over!

Oooooooook.  The last couple months have been crazy busy for me, with some work-related travel and a number of other personal developments.  Although my schedule is still pretty hectic, it’s also a lot more predictable now, so I’m going to try to get back into the groove of things.  Here are my plans:

No More Monday Magic (at least not weekly)
For the next few weeks, I'm not going to be posting a regular Magic blog, mainly because I don't have much to talk about.  Seeing that a core set is currently in season, I don't have any crazy new deck ideas and my usual play group isn't doing a whole lot.  I do have a new EDH deck that's probably worth discussing, so I'll post that deck list on Monday, but after that, I probably won't talk much about Magic until the next set is released.

Reviews Taking Over
With Magic taking a break and my relatively busy schedule, my main writing focus will be reviews for the games I'm playing.  I've been dabbling with a bunch of random games recently, so I hope to be able to churn out some quality reviews in the next few weeks.

Plus A Regular Streaming Schedule!
My biggest goal, though, is to maintain a semi-regular streaming schedule.  I haven't quite decided on the schedule yet, but I'm hoping to stream at least three times a week.  I am definitely planning on streaming on Sundays, so you can look out for that tomorrow.  I'm thinking Mondays, Wednesdays, and/or Thursdays; I'll make the schedule pretty clear once I've set it.

And that's where I am.  I'm looking forward to putting out some new content in the next few weeks.  Until then, tschüss.